Sunday, May 01, 2011

Molasses Creek Wraps Up Tour, Prepares for Ocrafolk Festival!

Molasses Creek at the USS Constitution in Boston
(Isn't this near where they threw the molasses in the harbor?)

Howdy there fans!

When last we blogged, we were heading for a performance at the Skinny Pancake in Burlington, VT. On Friday, we traveled down to Randolph, VT for a concert at the Chandler Center for the Arts. Springtime brought out grateful residents and friends, rubbing their eyes as if emerging from a long winter’s nap. Fiddler Dave was delighted to see his friends Andy Stewart and MJ Slattery who he met and fiddled with in the Shetland Islands way back in 1994.

What a Cilley Bridge!

The Molasses Creek visited with friends and fellow artists Barb & Scott, and George & Jacquline (frying pan returned!). Every fall this crew comes down to Ocracoke for a visit. Thanks for the wonderful breakfast!

From Vermont, the MC tour van traveled to Dublin, NH for a Saturday performance at DelRosis’s Trattoria, and then landed in the evening at Put and Nannie Brown’s house in West Granby, CT. Molasses Creek first met Put and Nannie through Donald and Merle Davis on Ocracoke Island. Fiddler Dave wrote them an anniversary waltz entitled “Old Leather Waltz” on his Brothers from Another Time Cd. The Browns had lined up a fundraiser performance for the Granby Land Trust at the South Congregational Church (thank you Denny!). The evening featured a chili and cornbread dinner and a warm and enthusiastic audience!

At the Granby Land Trust Concert

The followed days, our crew enjoyed the generosity hospitality, stories, and nature walks with Put and Nannie before heading Boston direction.

In Put Brown's garage!

In Boston, we were welcomed by David’s cousin Janet and her husband Mike and daughters Hannah and Madeline. We spent Wednesday and Thursday seeing some sights of the big city (Harvard, MIT Museum, Freedom Trail, USS Constitution, Cheers Bar, Beacon Hill), and then dashed to Norwich, CT on Friday for a concert with the Chelsea Players hosted at the United Congregational Church.

Old North Church in Boston . . . one if by land, two if by sea!

A lane on Beacon Hill

Treasures in Little Italy in Boston

Of course, Molasses Creek went to Harvard!

Returning to the Boston region on Saturday for a concert at the Amazing Things Arts Center in Framingham, we were delighted to have in the audience Ocracoke resident, Susan Dodd, Ocrafolkie Rick Lee, David’s college roommate Chris Hass (and wife Katherine), and all the Tweedie relatives. Thanks so much to Michael Moran for hosting us for another enjoyable performance!

On Sunday, we wrapped up the tour in Pomfret, CT at the Vanilla Bean Restaurant. Ocracoke friend, Tom Pahl, helped line up another great visit to this picturesque town. Thanks to our gracious hosts Howie Bursen and Sally Rogers (and their daughter Maya) for again rolling out the welcome mat!

Louie's backpack finally gets the best of him!

After all all night drive down the eastern seaboard, Molasses Creek landed on Ocracoke Island via the 2 o’clock Hatteras Ferry. A day of rest and we were back into the studio to wrap up tracks for the new Molasses Creek album, Catharsis. The remainder of the week was spent preparing for the Easter Ocrafolk Festival Fundraising Concert on Saturday at the Ocracoke Community Center. In addition to Molasses Creek, this concert featured performances by Donald Davis, Capt. Rob Temple and Sundae Horn, and Aaron Caswell. The evening raised over $1700 in support of the Ocrafolk Festival 2011! Thanks to all the performers, bakers, and volunteers who help make the evening such a wonderful success.

Heading up pretty quick on our calendar we have a Molasses Creek tour wrapup concert at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, May 4 at Deepwater Theater to benefit the Ocracoke Preservation Society. May 19-21 Molasses Creek will attend the Southeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference in Montreat, NC, and then all eyes (and ears and muscles) will be focused on producing this year’s Ocrafolk Festival, to be held in Ocracoke Village on June 3-5. The summer is almost here! Whew!

Molasses Creek would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all of the Tour Sponsors who pledged to help make our Northeast Tour possible. In addition, we would like to thank all of the friends and family who helped house and feed the band, produce the concerts, and corral their friends to fill the audiences along the way. The life of a touring artists is a lot of hard work, and it wouldn’t be possible without your help and support. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR DREAMS!

Gary, Fiddler Dave, Marcy, Lou, and Gerald

Molasses Creek.

2011 Northeast Tour Sponsors!

Douglas McLaughlin

Gregg Southard

Kati Wharton

Jane Stott

Ward Kelsey

David Masaitis

Mary Tribble

John and Emy Hinnant

Liz Saylor

Thomas McGivern

Vickie A. Pavlik

John and Dolores Gilbert
Rod Osborne

Kevin Driscoll

JoAnn & Walter Shaub

Deborah T. Leonard

Kathleen A. Weiss

Gary & Trisha L. Davis

Nora & Ed Pascht

Lisa Fitzgerald

Mike Sloan

Ed S Mann

Rev. Kelli Sorg

Roger Weller

Stewart Aly and Annie

John Smith

Heidi R. Bokesch

Dolores Winterstein

Jacques Patry

Steve Wright

Lisa Rauh

H. Nelson Bsitzel Jr.

Julie Archer

Jay D Myers

David Elkin

Bruce E. Smith

Jean Peterson

Jeanne McDougall

Thomas Poorman

Mark Cuddy

Virginia Hayes

Barbara Eames

Peggy Mull

Susan Dee

Alan Lewis

Bette & Patrick Tefft

Barbara Carr

Nancy Lynk

Charles and Nancy Scholes

Larry and Chrstine Deyss

Catherine McDonald

Edward Leslie

Linda Scarborough

Tom Duca and Catherine Seidenberg

Lauren Murphy
Celeste Breza

Timothy Good
Debra Schneider
Rick Orluk and Trish Percvial
Barbara Boss Powell
David Chase
Michael and Karen Antonucci
Lynette Simpson
Laura Fetridge
Joe O'Brien
Karen McNey
Put and Nannie Brown
Herman Weingart
Irene Leber/Fennessy
Matt Tweedie
Polly S. Patterson
Susan Boland
Beverly and Allen Chambers
David John & Sherri Philpott

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